Upper Peninsula Michigan

Crossed the border of Upper Peninsula Michigan by Mackinac bridge, feels like completely other state! Great roads, better weather, so colorful and nice! Somehow I decided I need to go far today and I did, but on my way I was looking at all brown signs with interesting places and I couldn’t figure out how come I am in a rush again… So I stopped at roadside park to have some lunch. While eating I tried to come up with idea why my heater is not working. Got really cold yesterday while driving. It wasn’t an issue today since it’s sunny and relatively warm day, but it’s fall here so I had to fix it somehow. Looking under the hood noticed that engine coolant level is low so added some. And voila — it works perfectly now!

Let’s get back a bit with pictures 🙂 So as soon as I crossed the bridge I stopped to take a picture of local apocalypsis. From here on weather was great!

Anyways I checked the map and found out there is a lake just couple of miles away with road around it. Sounds like perfect after lunch ride. But when I got there — oh my god! Gorgeous place — Seney wildlife refuge. Many lakes/ponds (they call them pools here), awesome gravel roads with no one around (as I thought at first).

Remember the story with Ford’s and Oldsmobile’s ‘Model A’, ‘Model T’ etc? Apparently americans are not too creative in naming.

Looks like just missed a deer.

So… who can guess name of the next pool? huh? no way! you knew!

I was actually planning to do 3-5 miles trip, but around next pool noticed I did 8 miles already. At the same moment I recalled seeing Pool T on the map, so no way I can go around all of them! Who will guess next pool name? Nope, not that eeasy!

There are some very quiet places here too, I would just relax here for awhile if I could (why couldn’t I??)

Oh man, again rules and limitations! How could they build one lane bridge on this perfect highway?? And 22 tons limit… not sure I can make it with a bicycle.

But main thing I wanted to tell ya — SOON! On all screens and facebook pages! FALL in Michigan!!